• Sell

    Ask for a Free Home Evaluation A well-priced home will generate competing offers and drive up the final sale value. Our free market analysis takes into account the most actively searched prices and home values in the area and provides you with a detailed evaluation that puts it all in perspective. Knowing the local Real Estate market is key since Black Hills homes vary in prices due to a lot of different factors. Many outside Realtors don’t understand the nuances of the real estate market in the Black Hills and can cost you thousands of dollars. Working with a skilled and local Rapid City Realtor is truly necessary for the successful sale of your home.

    Sell Your Home with a Professional Our tried and true marketing plan will take the guesswork out of selling your home. Selling a home in the Black Hills takes a lot of networking and proper exposure of your home. Our local Realtors will showcase your home in the very best light and network with our real estate agents who may have the buyer for your home.

    See What’s on The Market Use the search tools on this site to get an idea of the competition. Our Go With The Group website is a great tool to see how your home compares to other homes on the market. Pricing will be key in selling your home in today’s tight real estate market. We take the guesswork out of your homes value be factoring in many different variables that are true to the Black Hills marketplace.

    Connect to a Professional Contact us anytime you need to know what’s really going on in this market. When you’re ready to take the next step toward selling your home, we’re here to help. We’ll make sure your listing gets the best exposure and reaches the right buyer—whether they’re out of state, in another country, or right around the corner we are here to help. We keep our clients updated on what is going on with today’s real estate market and can show you the current trends for Black Hills.

    The Real Estate Group, Hot Springs Properties, Inc